Pesquisadores descobrem sistema bioluminescente codificável
Cientistas de mais de cinco países, coordenados por Ilia Yampolsky, do Instituto de Química Bio-orgânica de Moscou, em parceria com...
Brilho construído
Uma levedura da espécie Pichia pastoris alterada com o acréscimo de quatro genes, em meio de cultura com ácido cafeico, pode produzir luz...
Scientists discovered a set of enzymes to create glowing organisms
In daylight, Neonothopanus nambi is a rather unremarkable brown fungus. But a surprise hides behind the drab façade: at night, the fungus...
Das Geheimnis der Leuchtpilze
Worüber sich Erfinder wie Thomas Edison noch im 19. Jahrhundert den Kopf zerbrachen, hat die Natur bereits seit mehreren Millionen Jahren...
Scientists uncovered the mechanism of fungal luminescence and created luminescent yeasts
Russian scientists together with colleagues from UK, Spain, Brazil, Japan and Austria have fully described the mechanism of fungal...
At long last, a stamp of approval for mushrooms
Mushroom discovered by SF State biologist will be first featured on U.S. postage stamp. After 226 long years, fungus fanatics around the...
Como fungos usam química para brilhar no escuro da mata
Há 15 anos, Cassius Stevani, do Instituto de Química da USP, busca desvendar reações químicas que iluminam cogumelos de verde. Ele...
Mecanismo da bioluminescência de fungos
Pesquisadores russos e brasileiros desvendaram uma parte importante das reações químicas responsáveis pela bioluminescência de um tipo de...
Processo químico da bioluminescência de fungos é reciclável e flexível
Pesquisa realizada em colaboração pelo químico Cassius Stevani, do Instituto de Química (IQ) da USP, e pesquisadores de vários países,...
Lumière sur les champignons brillants
Bleu, jaune, vert ou orange... Des insectes, vers de terre, poissons, mollusques ou champignons sont capables de vrais feux d’artifice....
Glowing mushroom” discovery could revolutionize biology
Mushrooms are our favorite fungi. From savory dishes to surprising video game power-ups — we can’t seem to get enough of the little...
Was Pilze im Dunkeln leuchten lässt
lEtwa 80 verschiedene Arten von leuchtenden Pilzen gibt es weltweit. Ein internationales Forscherteam hat nun die chemischen...
How a mushroom gets its glow
The enzyme that turns on the light for a glow-in-the-dark mushroom seems “promiscuous,” researchers say. But in a good way. Researchers...
Scientists decode the secret of glowing mushrooms
We’re just going to come right out and say it: mushrooms are weird. They pop up without warning and they can change the weather. Many of...
Hunting mushrooms, and what makes some glow in the dark
PISGAH NATIONAL FOREST, N.C. — Here’s what I was told: Get away from the city, go during a new moon and keep my flashlight off. When the...