Cogumelo do Brasil brilha à noite e os insectos vão até lá
À noite, um verde fluorescente tinge o solo da mata dos cocais nos estados de Piauí, Maranhão, Tocantins e Goiás, no Centro e Norte do...
Licht unterstützt die Ausbreitung
Manche Pilze leuchten im Dunkeln. Nun haben Forscher eine mögliche Erklärung dafür gefunden, warum sich dieses energieaufwendige Phänomen...
Why some mushrooms glow in the dark
A team of scientists recently created some fake, glowing mushrooms and scattered them in a Brazilian forest in hopes of solving an...
Mushrooms that glow to continue the species
Scientists have known about bioluminescent fungus since ancient times. But even Aristotle was not sure why some mushrooms would need to...
Why some mushrooms glow in the dark
If you go out on a dark night, preferably during a new moon, in certain forests in northeastern Brazil you may find something peculiar:...
Glowing mushrooms
2300 years ago, Aristotle wondered why some mushrooms glow, and now, scientists may finally have an answer. In the journal Current...
Leuchtpilze locken Insekten an
Wenn es Nacht wird im brasilianischen Kokoswald, beginnen einige Pilze grünlich zu leuchten. Sie locken auf diese Weise Insekten an, die...
Ritmo biológico controla brilho de cogumelos
Em noite de lua nova, se tornam mais óbvias as luzes verdes ao pé de palmeiras-babaçu na região do município de Altos, no Piauí. São os...
Glowing mushroom attracts insects
These glow-in-the-dark mushrooms might look like something from a 1960s black-light poster, but the luminous fungus Neonothopanus...
Dieser Pilz knipst nicht umsonst das Licht an
Wer sich in einer mondlosen Nacht tief durch das Unterholz eines Laubwaldes kämpft, kann mit etwas Glück ein vermeintlich unheimliches...
In der Nacht geht das Licht an
Wenn es Nacht wird im brasilianischen Kokoswald, beginnen einige Pilze grünlich zu leuchten. Sie locken auf diese Weise Insekten an, die...
Bizarrer Pilz lockt nachts mit grünen Strahlen
Wenn es Nacht wird im brasilianischen Kokoswald, beginnen einige Pilze grünlich zu leuchten. Sie locken auf diese Weise Insekten an, die...
Far out, man! Scientists figure out why some mushrooms glow
If you think you see a glowing mushroom, you might not be having a psychedelic hallucination. Some mushrooms indeed are bioluminescent,...
Dude, why is my mushroom glowing? Scientists have the answer
If you think you see a glowing mushroom, you might not be having a psychedelic hallucination. Some mushrooms indeed are bioluminescent,...
Some mushrooms glow, and here's why
About 2,300 years ago, the Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle noticed what he called a “cold fire” emanating from decaying wood in...